Monday, April 10, 2006

My Death Space cont

So I guess they do have murderers and suicides on this site. The random deaths (e.g., car crash) are interesting at first, sort of poignant. But this is different.

I can't imagine that this will last. Do family members of the victims/suicides have any recourse? Can they tell to take the site down, or do they just not want to do that? I feel like a huge chunk of the private world just became public. This happened long ago to sex, in some incomplete way. Ultimately, the motives of murderers and suicides (along with sex) were always accessible, but it was difficult to get to that information, so the Internet just makes it considerably easier, and that makes more people give in to that curiousity and that makes it more acceptable.

So I guess I'm filtering through these murderers and suicides, playing amatuer psychologist, but feeling somehow guilty about it. Is it rubbernecking?

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