Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tattoos as Human Meta Tag

This is a bit more random than my usual posts, but I was just watching TV and an ad came on for the unfortunately named Lugz shoes (the male version of Uggs?). It caught my attention because of the way it combined sex appeal and violence: man wakes up in bed next to a sexy dame, thinks about an MMA fight he had, cut back and forth between the sexy woman, the dude sitting in bed remembering whilst pondering what shoes to wear today, and a brutal fight. I didn't have the sound loud enough to hear but the message seemed to be that men earn their women through fighting other men...and these men wear lugz. It was hard to tell if the guy in the ad was just some guy or if he was a particular MMA fighter. Without any mention of his name, it would be hard to google him to find out. However, he happened to have a huge, ostensibly unique tattoo across his chest: BROWN PRIDE. How many guys have that tattoo? I googled the tattoo and, sure enough, I came up with the guy from the ad who is, indeed, an MMA fighter: Cain Velasque.

I'm sure the same thing happened with Tupac, or would have if Google were more prominent when he was alive. It reminded me how text-based search (and the internet) still is. I keep waiting for facial recognition to get better, faster, and more accessible. Someday, I'll just be able to point my IPhone at the TV or at someone walking down the street and get their name and whatever else I want to know about them. Until then, I suggest we all get unique phrases tattooed in prominent places.

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