Saturday, December 04, 2004

alright, alright

Following up on last entry...

My offline journal has moved from literary to analytic and now, its actually looking kinda bloggy.

By that, I mean I just record stuff very quickly, broad strokes, not well written. Merely recording so that I don't forget. I don't like this. That stage of my life when I was unemployed and desperately unhappy living in NYC yielded by far the best writing in my journal. I took the time to be articulate.

Which brings me to a deep question: should you ever go back and edit/delete old entries in your journal or blog? I know everyone would say, "of course not! You've gotta remember the past, warts and all". Well, I've looked back at old entries, from, say, after the first time I got my heart broken, and those are some pretty big, ugly warts. Fundamentally, its nothing TOO horrible, probably not that different from anyone else's experience (yet this doesn't make it something we shouldn't be embarrased about others seeing, not unlike wiping your ass). And even though i know that its not likely that anyone will find or read that offline journal, I still have this urge to delete.

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